Did somebody call 999?

What an exciting week we have hard to kickstart the final half term in Reception. With just 5 weeks left we have got so many wonderful things planned and watching the children this week has made us much more excited to get going.

This week we launched our mini Topic, 'People Who Help Us'. After our visit from the fire fighters we decided to start with this profession. What fun we have had!

The children worked together, using their knowledge, to create their own fire engine. They then re-enacted the role of a fire fighter. They were tremendous! Following this, we learned about the very important rules to make sure we stay safe around fire whilst also doing the right thing for our fire fighters.

1. Call 999 and ask for the fire service.

2. Stop, drop and roll.

3. Get low and look for an exit.

4. Never touch fire or matches.

5. Never hide away.

6. Get out and stay out.

The children were incredible at remembering these rules and have blown us away through their imaginative play.

Did somebody call 999?Did somebody call 999?

Thank you to all those who have been sending in water bottles and sun cream. The weather has been beautiful this week and we hope it continues. Please do feel free to send water bottles, sun cream and sun hats in. It's very important that we stay safe. Please make sure to label everything so that we can find it if anything was to go missing.