This week we have been looking at the different senses we have and exploring them. We did some different activities involving some of our senses. We had to try and feel in the bag and guess what we could feel only using our touch sense. We smelt 4 different smells to see if we could identify what they were. These included strawberry milkshake, coffee, popcorn and lavender and the children also had to tell us if they liked the smell or not. We also completed a listening activity and the children had to guess what they could hear.
We also used the mirrors a lot this week to look at the colour of our hair and put our picture in the right column on the tally chart. We then discussed in our groups which hair colour was the most popular and least popular.
We also used the mirrors to help us make our own self portrait. We had to look carefully at our features on our face and try to use the correct colours to match our features. We were really impressed with some of our self portraits this week. The children took their time in drawing/painting them and did a fabulous job.
World book day was on Thursday and all the children enjoyed dressing up in their costumes/pyjamas for the day- they all looked amazing, such a great effort from children and staff!
We were very lucky to have an author visit school so we joined Reception in the main hall where the Author told a story and the children had to join in with the actions. They really enjoyed this experience and all did really well!
Our little rays of sunshine this week are Ronnie Rooney for listening very well and trying to guess the sounds during our listening game. Rosie Winter as she has had an amazing week. It was lovely to see her joining in with our senses activity and she appeared to love the smell of the strawberry milkshake. Rosie was also helper of the day where she independently picked the happy feeling, found Thursday, picked the weather and found the number 9. Kirat Kaur as she did an amazing job writing the numbers on the whiteboard. Finn Barnett as he was a superstar at using his senses and remembered that we use our eyes “to sight”, our ears “to listen”, our nose “to smell”, mouth “to taste” and our hand “to touch”. Laila Trow as she was able to compare the number of children with different hair colours in her group. Finally, Albie Howe as when making a self portrait he remembered four out of five of our senses “touch, listen, smell and eat”. Albie then drew his nose to smell, mouth to taste, eyes to see and ears to listen. Well done to you all, what superstars!
Just a little reminder if you have not already sent your family pictures in please do so asap as we are discussing these on Monday/Tuesday.
If you have not signed up for a parent meeting next week please ring, email or dojo for an appointment with your child's key worker.
Friday 15th March is Red Nose day so the children can come to Nursery wearing Red.