Seasons Change

On Tuesday we all woke up to a winter wonderland and we welcomed very excited children into school all cosy in their warm things. We took the opportunity to take the children on a winter walk around the school grounds. We talked about how the season is changing from Autumn to Winter. They noticed how the temperature is getting colder and that most of the leaves have now fallen off the trees. The snow was a delight and they looked for animal footprints and looked closely at the snowflakes.

Seasons ChangeSeasons Change

In phonics the children learned 'h' and 'b' and have now started segmenting to spell simple words. They are excited to use their new skills to begin writing their Christmas lists for Santa next week!

Seasons ChangeSeasons Change

In maths the children will be having a visit from Concept Cat to help them learn all about 'long' and 'short' and they will be doing some lovely activities inside and outside to explore this concept together.

Seasons ChangeSeasons Change

Everyone is looking forward to the Library trip tomorrow, we will be posting photos on Dojo of the trip so please watch this space.