It's Christmas in Nursery!

It's our favourite time of year and this week we have launched Christmas in Nursery. We started the week with snow and what fun we had outside playing in the snow and ice. We still have some left now at the end of the week! It's been very cold this week but we have still been enjoying our time outside.

Repeating patterns using Christmas objects has also been a focus activity for us. The children were very good at continuing a repeating pattern and some children had a go at making their own. Well done!

It's Christmas in Nursery!It's Christmas in Nursery!

We have also enjoyed dressing up in Christmas outfits and exploring the Christmas activities in provision in nursery. We have been making some Christmas baubles to hang on our Christmas tree in Nursery when it arrives!

It's Christmas in Nursery!It's Christmas in Nursery!

Other activities we have done in nursery his week are matching pairs game, continuing to practise our cutting skills (we can see a big difference in the children's cutting skills after all of our practise), reading stick man, musical instruments and some of Miss Manifold's group made the playdough for the rest of the children in Nursery- how very kind of you!

Our little rays of sunshine this week are Megan Davies for doing a great job with our repeating pattern activity. She was able to create her own repeating pattern independently and was also able to spot a mistake in the pattern. Eric Hendy as he is doing a great job at singing our Christmas songs and joining in with the actions. Nora Johnson for spelling her name out using the magnetic letters. She told me each sound “N, o, r, a- Nora”. She was also really good at creating her own ABAB pattern and continued an ABCABC pattern. Nova Richards as she always tries her best in everything she does and she was a superstar this week at finishing off my repeating pattern. She did such a good job we asked if she could create her own. Nova managed this with no trouble at all and told me her pattern “Santa, Elf, Santa, Elf”. Finally, Oliver Russ for doing a great job with our repeating pattern activity. He was able to create his own repeating pattern independently and was also able to spot a mistake in the pattern. Well done to you all, what superstars you are!

It's Christmas in Nursery!It's Christmas in Nursery!

Next week we will be continuing our Christmas activities and we are going to be writing letters to Santa!