This week we did a very special job of writing letters to Santa. We did lots of talking about what we have asked for from Santa and then drew some pictures to show him what they looked like. We used some catalogues to help give us ideas too. This job got the children very excited and they are hoping for a reply from him so fingers crossed!
As this was our main job this week we also linked this to the story The Jolly Postman and we discussed how important his job was as he has to deliver all of the letters to different people. After this story we handed our letters to the ladies in the school office who is going to post them to Santa Claus for us. Thank you all!
We have also been looking at shapes this week and we received a letter from Santa's elves asking us to find some shape letters to match and post in our post boxes. The children had to match the shapes and also see if they could name them and talk about some of their properties.
Lots of maths has been happening this week as we also sang the song '5 Fat Santas jumping in the snow' looking at how many we have then when one falls down how many we have left. It was lovely to see the children repeating this activity in provision independently.
Our little rays of sunshine this week are Marley Hall as he tries so hard at group time to join in with all of the activities. When finding the shape letters for Sana, Marley named a circle! Sheldon-lee Norman for being such a kind friend. When another friend had the car ramp the wrong way, Sheldon showed them how to use it and what to do. They then started a lovely turn taking activity. He is also doing well with having no accidents when in pants. Miley-Rae Dawson as she did a great job at our shape activity and when I asked her if she could find a circle around the room, she was able to do so. Isla Maskell as she is doing an amazing job at practising our Christmas songs. Isla knows all of the words and actions and is often spotted around the nursery singing along. Nate Gilbert as he has been such a kind friend as when one of his friends did not find a shape letter and began to cry, Nate comforted them and gave them some of his shape letters. Finally, Amari Cavagin for having such a lovely week. She has explored the playdough and engaged with some other friends when exploring the torches, giving eye contact and smiling at them. Well done to you all, what superstars!
Next week we will be making our Christmas cards in Nursery and continuing to practise our Christmas songs.