Our Commitment to Keeping Your Child Safe
Pupils concerns are listened to at this school and taken seriously. As well as educating the children in our care, the staff and governors of Crook Primary School take the safeguarding and wellbeing of all of its pupils seriously, and ensure systems are in place to support this. The children are encouraged to speak to staff, mentors or class representatives if they have anything that is upsetting them either at school, at home or elsewhere. The children are listened to in a sensitive and encouraging manner, and any emerging issues are dealt with appropriately.
The school has a robust Safer Recruitment Policy which is followed. Appropriate staff and governors have undergone Safer Recruitment Training. References are scrutinised so that relevant questions can be asked at all interviews and appointments are not made until any outstanding issues have been satisfied. People applying for jobs are made aware at the outset, that a fully enhanced police check will be undertaken before work can commence. The relevant governors at Crook Primary School and all volunteers have been DBS checked, and a record of this information is kept in school. We also ensure external bodies who have access to the school site have undertaken relevant checks with their staff.
We have a fully compliant Child Protection Policy which is reviewed annually. All staff receive child protection training regularly, and we have three ‘Designated Safeguarding Officers’ in school who oversee any child protection issues. Our designated safeguarding lead is Mrs Lupton and our deputy designated safeguarding leads are Miss Dickinson and Miss Taylor. Governors also receive an overview on the child protection procedures. We have a designated Safeguarding Governor who meets regularly with the Senior Leadership team, to ensure policies and processes are followed.
Safe Durham Prevent Strategy
Click here to visit the Safe Durham Prevent information website.
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