Behaviour System

Are you ready to demonstrate your ‘Learning Powers’ and ‘Sparkle like a Gemstone?’

At Crook Primary we use the ‘Gem Project’ which was introduced by Dr Tom Robson when he visited our school in 2019. It centres around 4 gems, which link with learning powers. This project is designed to build on the work that we already do in school on building resilient, growth mindset and independent learners. It will give the children a metaphorical language to help them explain how they are feeling as learners as well as to help them understand that no matter what they think their ability is, they can always improve.

These are the powers and this is what they mean: 

Emerald Power

When children feel challenged in their learning and at other times in their lives, they make adrenaline and this can make ‘butterflies’ in their tummy. This is Emerald Power and we are working to help the children to control it rather than it controlling them so that they can face challenges without emotional overreaction.
Key words: Resilience, bouncebackability, control, having a go, not giving up, finding another way


Diamond Power

This is the ability to solve problems and learn. We encourage children to identify problems and solve them without being prompted. The more problems children solve for themselves the better they get at learning.
Key words: Independence, problem solving, exploring, pretending, remembering, having ideas.


Ruby Power

This is to do with supporting each other and pointing out each other’s success. Doing this helps children to make oxytocin and this helps us to work well as a team. Ruby Power is also about developing a sense of well-being by making serotonin when you laugh and smile.
Key words: kindness, supportive, empathy, complimentary, smiling, happy


Sapphire Power

This power is about not allowing those ‘Monster Distractions’, such as fidgeting with paper and playing with hair, to get in the way of concentration and learning.
Key words: focus, concentrating, controlling distractions


Children can gain or lose gems as part “Gem Award System”. Please see a copy of our behaviour policy and guidelines below about how gems and also our reward bands are used to support positive learner behaviour.

  • Behaviour Guidelines
    Behaviour Guidelines
  • Behaviour Management Policy
    Behaviour Management Policy