Modern Foreign Languages
Learning a language is a liberation from insularity. At Crook Primary we want to expose children to a modern foreign language that is accessible to them. To this end we have chosen to study Spanish as Spain is the destination that is most likely for our children to visit. Some of our children struggle with speech and language and Spanish is a more user friendly language. It is also one of the most widely spoken modern languages.
Our History and Geography units also visit Latin American countries so children are able to make connections between their language learning and a Historical and Geographical context. We want children to discover the joy of language learning and realise the learning language can promote economic well being and employability
At Crook Primary, Spanish is taught throughout Key Stage 2 weekly in order to give children greater opportunity to retain vocabulary and language skills acquisition. In addition, teachers will use it daily in incidental learning to support recall and retention of knowledge. We use Language Angels to deliver an interactive immersive experience. The programme uses native speakers to enhance the delivery and ensure accurate modelling of pronunciation.
Books will be subject specific and will continue with children each year to allow progression and support pupils in their longer term memory development.
By the end of their time at Crook Primary, children will be equipped to converse, read and write in Spanish. They will have been given firm foundations in order to progress with modern foreign languages at secondary school and through oral language acquisition, improved their speaking and listening skills. They will also have an understanding of different cultures in the Hispanic speaking world and be able to use this knowledge to seek and answer questions. The study of Spanish will also help to make connections with the world and combat ignorance and prejudice.
Teachers will assess pupils’ progression of skills throughout a unit of work which will be used to inform further planning and delivery. At the end of each year, children will be assessed against age related expectations associated with the learner behaviours of an expected pupil within Spanish.
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