
Geography Curriculum


Central to our geography curriculum is the importance of pupils having a sense of connectedness with their own place and community and the world.  We will ensure that pupils make connections between the three areas of place and location knowledge through mapping and fieldwork, physical and human geography and environmental geography. Through the study of geography we want pupils to develop communication skills, enquiry skills and cultural awareness. We want them to understand their responsibility towards the future of the global world by undertaking geographical enquiries linked to the sustainable development goals. The sustainable  development goals are interwoven through our geographical units with a focus on making out pupils climate champions. The study of geography develops critical thought, cultural capital and allows pupils to look outwards from their community of Crook whilst at the same time gaining an understanding of place, space and a sense of identity in the world. We encourage wider connections by developing strong international links that are interwoven in aspects of the geography curriculum.



The three key themes of geography are location and place through mapwork, human and physical and environmental geography. Each unit starts with mapwork where we look at place and location knowledge, space and scale using google earth to locate different places in the world in relation to our home town of Crook. We will use the word “ place” to recreate a sense of belonging rather than the word “ location”.

Pupils will develop knowledge of human and physical geography and use this information to carry out enquiry based questions based on sustainable development goals. Children will also have the opportunity to enrich their learning through reading  as a “ Geographer” within the class library and book club time.

Within our three key themes, the big concepts of geography will be taught:

  1. Mapwork. The key question throughout mapping is “Where is Crook in relation to…” to give pupils an understanding of space and connectedness. Pupils will focus on the concepts of space, place and scale.
  2. Physical and human geography, Pupils will focus on the interconnectivity of human and physical geography and how they impact and influence the environment.
  3. Environmental geography. Pupils will study sustainable solutions to environmental problems through geographical enquiries around sustainable development goals. Pupils will gain an understanding of how humans influence and alter the environment and how sustainability and change can occur.

We will use fieldwork enquiry and investigation and critical thought to develop geographical skills. Geography will be delivered each term through a two week unit so that pupils are given the time and space to master the skills of being a geographer. This approach will allow children to revisit key concepts each term as well as to make connections between geographical concepts over a longer period of time.  The key themes will be recalled and retained to support long term memory through regular revisiting tasks.

Each unit will have “sticky knowledge “ which will be shared with pupils in their books so that they can use them as a point of reference. To support long term memory and to make connections between their learning, pupils will have a UK and a world map in their books so that they can use them as a reference and add knowledge to them as they progress through the school. Books will be subject specific and will continue with children each year.



Pupils will have a greater understanding of who they are, where they live and their connection to the world. They will have a strong sense of cultural identity and be open to other countries and cultures and understand how we are interdependent.  

The impact of our geography curriculum is measured through the following methods:

  • Ongoing formative assessment in which pupils are guided to meaningfully reflect about their own and others’ development of ideas, their skills and  their understanding.
  • Summative assessment of pupil evaluations and skills, focusing on identifying how pupils can further develop their ideas, refine their skills and deepen their understanding. Specifically:
    • Their knowledge of place and location knowledge 
    • Their understanding of how human and physical geography is interdependent
    • How human and physical geography can impact the environment 
    • Their mapwork skills in using, interpreting and constructing maps 
    • How environmental geography is impacted by human interactions
    • How the sustainable development goals are closely linked to geography 
  • Discussions with pupils about their learning and enjoyment of their lessons (pupil voice).
  • Whole school pupil appraisal and celebration of their own and other’s work through whole school displays.
  • Moderation staff meetings where pupil’s books are scrutinised in order to encourage meaningful and reflective dialogue between teaching staff, ensuring progression of skills, themes and knowledge.
  • Assessment of pupils’ progression of skills throughout a unit of work which teaching staff use to inform further planning and delivery of geography

At the end of each year, children will be assessed against age related expectations associated with the learner behaviours of an expected pupil within geography


Additional Information


  • Geography Long TermPlan
    Geography Long TermPlan
  • Geography Progression of Skills
    Geography Progression of Skills