Year 4

Happy New Year!

Published on Friday 10 January 2025 by Miss Lee.

Happy New Year and welcome back!


What a way to return to school and start 2025 with the weather this week! Thank you for your patience with the icy conditions around school. Hopefully it begins to warm up and disappear next week!


Happy New Year!

Please can children ensure they have an appropriate PE kit in school on a Wednesday and Thursday until half-term please. We have secured an additional PE lesson with coach Joe.

After February half term, all children in year 4 will attend swimming lessons on a Tuesday and will require swimming kits. No jewelry is allowed in the pool and earrings need to be removed.


My first challenge to those of you have have their ears pierced is to learn how to remove and replace earrings independently - if you can do this by the time swimming lessons take place you will be awarded some diamond power gems for independence!


My second challenge to all children is to learn how to put on a swimming hat. This is what takes the most time in swimming lessons and they must be worn to enter the pool. The quicker that swimming hats are on, the more time children spend learning how to swim!



For children in 4L reading longer books, Miss Lee has set them a reading challenge! To be finished and changed reading books by Friday 17th January in order to move up the levels and have a wider choice of reading book.

    Design and Technology

    Published on Friday 6 December 2024 by Miss Golightly.

    In Year 4, the children have been learning about mechanical systems and structures. We have been looking at different types of levers with a focus on first class levers. The children have learnt about the different parts of a first class lever and how they would work. They have then designed and made their own structure which includes a first class lever. To make their structure, the children learnt about what makes a structure strong. We experimented with triangulation, and the children have used their learning to make a catapult.

    Design and TechnologyDesign and Technology

    To make their catapult the children had to learn about the safety of using a saw so that they could cut their pieces of wood. Before cutting their wood, they needed to accurately measure it to ensure they had the correct size pieces as well as the correct amount of wood for their structure. The children then joined their wood together using a butt joint and triangulation to strengthen their structure.

    Design and TechnologyDesign and Technology

    We then tested the catapults with a focus on their functionality, strength and aesthetics. The children worked well in their teams and showed resilience when they were faced with problems.

    Design and TechnologyDesign and Technology

      Tackling the Climate Crisis!

      Published on Wednesday 23 October 2024 by Miss Lee.

      Children in 4L took part in a session led by OASES on climate change last week. It was amazing to see how much knowledge the children had about the global climate crisis and the technical language they were using to describe their knowledge.

      They knew the issues we are facing are things such as drought, flooding, wild fires, deforestation, melting ice caps, coral bleaching and much more.

      Tackling the Climate Crisis!Tackling the Climate Crisis!

      Children took part in an activity to calculate their carbon footprint and have identified ways to help reduce it to take forward the fight on climate change.

      Tackling the Climate Crisis!Tackling the Climate Crisis!

      They then used equipment to explore wind, turbine and solar power and how it is recorded. They thought about how it could be used to help the environment and then used their knowledge to plan their own sustainable city.

      Tackling the Climate Crisis!Tackling the Climate Crisis!

        Welcome to Year 4!

        Published on Wednesday 11 September 2024 by Miss Lee.

        Welcome back to the school year!

        The children have settled into Year 4 really well, and it has been lovely getting to know them all.

        Welcome to Year 4!Welcome to Year 4!

        Our English text for this term is called Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit. The children have made some interesting predictions about what happens in the story, and they were shocked to find out that the text is based on a true story. The children are building up to writing a setting description and we are very excited to read them!

        Welcome to Year 4!Welcome to Year 4!

        In maths we have been learning about 4-digit numbers and exploring the connections between the values of the numbers and digits. The children have shown some excellent knowledge of the value of 4-digit numbers so far and have been very impressive mathematicians!

        Welcome to Year 4!

        This week we have started our first art unit. The children have been studying the artist Andy Goldsworthy, and we have been learning about land art. We have been looking at the different elements of art and analysing the work of Andy Goldsworthy to identify where these are used. The children have also recreated their own pieces of art in their sketch books focusing on lines using inspiration from our artist study. We will be creating our own piece of land art towards the end of our unit.

          Prize Giving 2024 - Year 4

          Published on Tuesday 23 July 2024 by Crook Primary.

          End of Year Film

          Award Winners


          Maths Amelia Davies
          English Isabelle Addison
          Curriculum Subjects Xavier Stainthorpe
          Emerald Power Ruby Alderson
          Diamond Power Evelyn Goundry
          Ruby Power Scarlett Charles
          Sapphire Power Jude Johnson
          Gem Master Ivy Hendry
          Being a Good Sports Person Jake Gash
          Greatest Effort Mia Graves
          Most Progress Amelia Kirkbride
          Outstanding Achievement Ava Morgan



          Maths Archie Spencer
          English Ayden George
          Curriculum Subjects Harrison Hodkinson
          Emerald Power Steven Atkinson
          Diamond Power Hallie-Marie Ashurst
          Ruby Power Abigail Bowes
          Sapphire Power Ana-Lucia Norman
          Gem Master Gracie-May Walton
          Being a Good Sports Person Leo Lowes
          Greatest Effort Carter French
          Most Progress Scarlett Hodgson
          Outstanding Achievement Rama Al Soliman

            The Year 4 Team

            Miss Lee
            Miss Lee

            Miss Golightly
            Miss Golightly

            Times Table Fluency

            What does it sound like to be fluent in times tables?

            What does it mean to be fluent in times tables?

            • Your child can answer the question back to you, with automaticity, within 3 seconds. 
            • They do not need to think about the answer or hesitate to think about the answer.
            • They may make a little mistake but very quickly correct themself. 
            • They can answer questions which are out of sequence and in no pattern of times tables. 
            • Children do not count on fingers. 


            Why do children need to be fluent in times tables?

            • It reduces cognitive load - children can think quicker because they don’t have to spend time counting their times tables. 
            • It saves energy in the brain allowing greater focus on the problem - reading the question, processing what it means, carrying out 2 or more calculations in a problem.
            • It saves time in calculating in multi-step problems. 
            • It unlocks a world of maths in the wider curriculum. 
            • It provides the opportunity for children to reason with numbers and problem solve.
            • It builds confidence & reduces mathematical anxiety - grows independence, reduces the feeling of being overwhelmed by the problem. 

            Reading at the Expected Standard

            What does it sound like to be reading at the expected standard in Year 4?

            What does it mean to be a fluent reader? 

            Reading fluency - a combination of the following components:

            • Accuracy - word recognition and pronunciation 
            • Automaticity - rapid word reading without conscious decoding (breaking down/sounding out words)
            • Prosody- expressive, phrased reading
            • Comprehension - processing text & understanding meaning 
            • Inference - reading between the lines 

            What to look out for:

            • Reading with varied volume and expression.  
            • Your child will sound like they are talking to a friend with their voice matching the interpretation of the passage.
            • They will read with good phrasing.
            • They will adhere to the punctuation used in the text - taking a breath at commas and pausing at full stops. 
            • They will read smoothly - they may have some breaks and will self-correct any slight mistakes. 
            • They will read at a good pace. 

            How many words per minute should your child be reading?

            The following figures are based on the child reading this amount of words in an age appropriate text. Some examples of age appropriate texts can be found below. 


            End of the Autumn term (by Christmas)

            End of the Spring term (by Easter)

            End of the Summer term (by Summer)

            Year 4





            Year 4 texts:

            • Matilda
            • Silas and the Marvellous Misfits
              Silas and the Marvellous Misfits
            • The Boy Who Biked The World
              The Boy Who Biked The World
            • The Chronicles of Narnia
              The Chronicles of Narnia