Emotional Wellbeing

Emotional Wellbeing Lead

Miss Bryson
Miss Bryson

Emotional Wellbeing Newsletter

January Newsletter
January Newsletter

Spiraling- but NOT out of control!

Published on Monday 12 February 2024 by Miss Bryson.

Place 2 Be:


'Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously.

As adults, we should empower children and young people, and provide them with time, space, and opportunities to express themselves. We must also ensure they have opportunities to influence aspects of their worlds that directly - or indirectly - affect their wellbeing.

This Children's Mental Health Week we want all children and young people, whoever they are, and wherever they are in the world, to be able to say - and believe - “My Voice Matters”,.


As well as our children coming to school wearing outfits that expressed their own unique style, we created our own spirals that illustrated things that matter to us- starting with everyday things, then spiraling to more worldwide matters.



Spiraling- but NOT out of control!

    Hello Yello!

    Published on Thursday 12 October 2023 by Miss Bryson.

    World Mental Health Day 2023 was on Tuesday 10th, October- the theme this year was 'Mental health is a universal human right'. We said 'Hello-Yellow' by wearing yellow to raise awareness of this, having resilience and showing young people that they aren't alone with their mental health.

    Hello Yello!Hello Yello!

    We started Tuesday with a 'Mindful Moment'- K.S.1; 'Bear Breathing':




    K.S.2: 5,4,3,

    1 Grounding Method:




    During the morning each class visited the main hall where children got the chance to add a doodle to a 'Calm and Create' school poster-displayed on the front of our stage to raise awareness.



    Hello Yello!Hello Yello!

    We shared a story for the end of the day: 'Have You Filled a Bucket Today?' A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids Book




    Our Year 6 children produced some posters about how to fill someone's bucket-to be displayed around our school.



    Other activities for home can be found on the 'Young Minds' site;



    Hello Yello!Hello Yello!


      Playground Partners are go…!

      Published on Wednesday 4 October 2023 by Miss Bryson.

      Playground Partners have begun their role during playtimes, ensuring that their peers are happy and safe on the yard or field; helping them to find a friend or just offer a listening ear!

      Playground Partners are go…!

        Emotional Wellbeing Documents

        • Beat-Eating Disorder
          Beat-Eating Disorder
        • Coping with anxiety
          Coping with anxiety
        • Dragonfly: Impact Education
          Dragonfly: Impact Education
        • Early Help-Autumn 24
          Early Help-Autumn 24
        • Family Hub Activity and Programmes
          Family Hub Activity and Programmes
        • Hi, I'm Miss Bryson!
          Hi, I'm Miss Bryson!
        • Keeping stress in check
          Keeping stress in check
        • Neurodiversity Drop In
          Neurodiversity Drop In
        • Neurodiversity Roadshows 2025
          Neurodiversity Roadshows 2025
        • Separated or Divorced from your partner?
          Separated or Divorced from your partner?
        • The mystery of  ‘resilience’
          The mystery of ‘resilience’
        • Vaping-The Facts!
          Vaping-The Facts!

        Crook Crusaders


        Emotional wellbeing is about our feelings, our thoughts, our emotions and our moods. Looking after our emotional wellbeing is just as important as looking after our physical health.

        Over these past two years, we have been through something that we could never have imagined. Did we ever think that schools would shut and we wouldn’t be allowed to see those people in our lives that we really care about? When we are experiencing something difficult and challenging like the pandemic, our hearts, our minds and bodies can find it difficult to cope with everyday situations. We often revert to a fixed and negative mindset, which can often be very limiting. When we are scared we become defensive and we often struggle with creative thoughts. The pandemic gave us a unique opportunity to reflect on what is important to us and what we want more of in our lives. We had time to think about those things we missed most including time with people we love, things that inspire us and activities that make us happy. When we are happy we create an environment that we need to thrive and grow. We now have an opportunity to take the lessons we have learned and move out of our fixed mindsets into a more positive way of thinking.

        Crook Crusaders is the chance to take these lessons and move out of our fixed mindsets into a more positive way of thinking. It is with this growth mindset and resilience that we can create a world with endless possibilities. In order for a child to develop a strong growth mindset they need the input, support and comfort of others.

        Encouragement and positive reinforcement from parents, teachers and peers can create an ideal environment for a growth mindset to flourish.



        Our Crook Crusaders groups will be created initially for children in year groups 4, 5 and 6. The weekly 1-hour sessions will each include:

        1. Wonderful me- to understand the different aspects of identity
        2. People around me- to listen and communicate effectively
        3. Meaning and purpose- to identify own strengths and begin to see how they can affect others
        4. Resilience- to break down barriers into smaller, achievable goals
        5. Healthy body, healthy mind- to understand and plan for a healthy lifestyle including physical activity, rest and diet
        6. Relaxation- to perform a range of relaxation stretches 



        Pupils will have a greater resilience to tackle and solve their own challenges. They will have a positive growth mindset which is applied in the classroom to support greater academic attainment and progress.  they will be enthused by learning and will to take risks. In moments of uncertainty, they will have a range of self help strategies to allow themselves to move forward and reflect.